英「最高辣妹」身高205公分 合腳鞋比男友還難找


潔西卡‧帕朵(Jessica Pardoe)是英國現在最高的女生,她身長6尺9吋(約205公分),腳掌也有28公分長;現年18歲的她,不擔心因身高關係交不到男朋友,反倒常為了買不到鞋子而苦惱,帕朵說:「一定要到大尺碼網站,才找得到合腳的鞋子!」

帕朵24日被「英國高個子俱樂部」(Tall Person’s Club of Great Britain)認可,是今年度最高的女孩;從帕朵身上驗證了「身高來自遺傳」這句話,她的父親有200公分高、母親也有182公分,她在家裡唯一需要抬頭說話的對象,則是208公分高的哥哥。






Britain's tallest girl: Jessica Pardoe, 18, can
 look down on Peter Crouch

Her mum adds: 'I expected Jess would be tall. After all, she has inherited both mine and Andrew’s genes. Then other relatives on both sides of the family are tall. Jess has an auntie who is 6ft 2in and an uncle who is 6ft 7in.

'That said I never expected Jess would continue to keep growing as she did – and I never expected her to end up quite as tall as she is now.'

Meanwhile, the teenager says she is used to ducking when she walks through doorways. 'I’ve got used to ensuring I don’t bump my head on low ceilings. And fortunately I sleep curled up on my side so am quite happy with a standard size bed.'

So young: When Jessica was born she was 53 centimetres from head to toe 

So young: When Jessica was born she was 53 centimetres from head to toe

Statuesque: By the time she was 18 months old she was much taller than other girls her age and many people assumed she was too old to be sitting in a pushchair
It runs in the family: Jessica as a youngster with her brother Niall

Growing pains: By the time she was 18 months old Jessica, pictured as a toddler on the left and with her brother Niall on the right, was much taller than other girls her age

原文網址: 英「最高辣妹」身高205公分 合腳鞋比男友還難找 | 新奇新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網 



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